No Ending!

Her bed was full of crumpled pages strewed everywhere. Every implement she used for inscribing seemed inadequate to situate her feelings this whole night. Her attempts with phrases were futile, her words were failing her. She stood up to empty the ash tray and poured herself a resolute amount of vodka. It was morning 7:38; her eyes were still devoid of sleep. Her body ached along with her mind as she was sitting in the same position for more than 9 hours. The story’s abrupt closure was bothering her. If it not had been about him, she might have even ended it on rushed conclusion. She was constantly being unsuccessful to do justice as it was throbbing to even write single word about him. She picked up her diaries and those inscriptions again came alive. The haziness increased with the quantity of vodka in her system. All she saw was few petals of dead rose, unaddressed letters, small notes, different colors, her scattered feelings and a bit of realization that the story had no ending.


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