She Was Never Mine! - 6

Dear Diary,
Back here I am again. And then someone told me to describe him in words. People are always curious when a writer don’t define names, places, times, and straight forwardly puts out details which are feelings. And for me he can’t be described in words. Least I could try being only good at writing but I won’t because no writings could ever define or justify him. Someplace sometime we both were in same situations and we did what we had to except one difference that he was truly in love and I wasn’t.  That is the only prevalent dissimilarity of his which can’t ever be justified or can be acceptable by normal people. May be I like his company because he is not normal. The most striking part was his honesty which his eyes replicate. Is it too soon for me that I am thinking to write him a letter? I don’t want him to haunt with memories which are still bright in his heart. May be yes it is too soon to write him a letter but the worst part that dreads me is myself. I know I would someday leave him so damn abruptly and never look back upon us and that reveals most amazing part, he will even let me go. He will hold himself back with all those shattered pieces and will still smile looking back upon us which I ever can’t do. This is the one thing I want to learn from him, leaving your loved ones and never looking back to history. But I won’t learn that ever because I am practical but he is over practical and this thing the only one is I want to learn and I don’t want to learn. I really need to sleep my head whirls in a way that I would fell upon something soon. 


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